Knowledge + Practice = Shift
Most of us realise, at some point, that we're living life on "auto-pilot" - that we're unconscious most of the day and that we're just repeating old habits day after day. Some of us have read every self-help book published that looks like it might have "the answer" to a happier life. What's the difference between people who seem to be living the best version of themselves and those who aren't? Have they read more books? Were they born with better genes? Did their parents love them more as children?

I believe we all have the capacity to feel the happiness and fulfilment of which we dream. The ingredient that we usually fall short on in order for this to happen is practice. You can watch all the videos, read all the books and go to as many coaching sessions as you want but if you don't find a way to actually practice the theory that science is handing us, or to act on the insights that self-reflection and coaching provides, there will be no shift, only frustration.
Reading, reflecting and learning without practicing is like hoping to become a great athlete by reading books alone. You won't see much progress. While accumulating knowledge about how our universe works is an important step in the path to transformation, it is only one of the steps. That's where many of us who are seeking change in ourselves become stuck.
Getting up at 4:30am to meditate seems "a bit extreme" to some and yet this is what "the work" could be for you. Taking an hour out of your busy day to build a "mind movie" (electronic vision board) may seem frivolous and yet what better way is there to get clear on what you want in your life?
If you've done the reading (the easy part), you'll know that there is strong science to back up the effectiveness of tools like meditation and visualisation in creating a better version of yourself. Scientists like Gregg Braden, Dr Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton are sharing their research on how to use what we know about quantum physics and biology to improve our consciousness. A higher consciousness is the doorway to profound personal and social change. And it's in our control. And it takes practice.
So you may have to meditate for 20 minutes a day for a year before you see any changes and you may have to find the courage to end a toxic relationship before you feel like a better version of yourself. It's simple but it's not easy.
The determining factor in whether you'll practice what you know is how badly you want change. Start now. You're worth the work.
Suggested tools to explore and expand consciousness:
2. Meditation
3. Mind Movies
4. Coaching
Watch Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton talk about the science of consciousness here.